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Got Questions?faq

Please see our frequently asked questions below for answers and please feel free to submit your own questions.
How do I get help or contact a librarian?
You may email us at or reach us by phone at 956.968.4533. You may also find us on Facebook at
How do I volunteer at the library?
Contact our Volunteer Coordinator at 956.447.3412.
Do you all provide question answering services?
Most definitely, please visit our Reference Department at 956.973.3144 and we will do our best to help!
When and how can I use the 3D printer?
The 3D printer is available so long as Reference staff is available. Visit our 3D printer page here for details regarding our policy.
How do I get help or contact a librarian?
You may email us at or reach us by phone at 956.968.4533. You may also find us on Facebook at .
Where is the library?
The Library is located at 525 S. Kansas Ave in Weslaco TX.
How do I get a library card?
You can get online access by visiting this link and get full access by visiting the library and applying for a card. You must bring an ID and either a piece of mail or other document showing your current address in order to apply for a library card.
What are your upcoming events?
Please visit our events page here.
How many books are in your collection?
We have about 70,000 books and 10,000 other items in various formats. We also have an electronic collection of over 20,000 items.
I'm from out of town, can I use your library?
Yes, we are happy to help all individuals and everyone is welcome to use our resources within the library. We issue library cards to any individual with a local contact. We issue online access cards to anyone interested.
Because of the internet and eBooks, are books and libraries going extinct?
Not at all. There will always be people who prefer print over eBook and it is difficult to imagine a future where printed books are completely gone. That said the role of the library in the community is changing and therein lies its key to survival. Libraries are not just a place to store and find information anymore. We are a place where people come to enjoy themselves and meet other people. We are educators, and we hope to grow a more literate community. We are a place where individuals come to do business and where the local culture may express itself. We provide access to technology and pride ourselves on our ability to provide free internet connectivity. Most of all libraries are a place where people come to enrich their minds and lives. So long as there are individuals looking to better themselves, the library will be there to help them do so.